Making “Qualified” Commitments

I am Committed! (For now...)

Hi Folks,

Today I just want to do a quickie on one of my pet hates… ‘Qualified’ commitments… allow me to explain.

One of the key character traits in a successful entrepreneur is trustworthiness.

Trustworthiness comes from consistency in actions and words.

An easy way to set alarm bells ringing is to give qualified commitments, the type of “yes” that comes with an unspoken “if”…


Here are some examples…

Spoken    : I will do this by _______________.
Unspoken: if I have the time.

Spoken    : Our meeting has been scheduled and confirmed on __________________.
Unspoken: if nothing else I perceived to be more important crop up then.

Spoken    : We will complete and deliver this by _______________________.
Unspoken: if our team is not working on something I consider more important at that time.


The unspoken part is pretty obvious to anyone who have known you for a while in your business and social circles… in fact, it is even obvious to a stranger by the tone of voice you use and your body language when you commit yourself, it’s just that most people are way too polite to question a commitment once made.

In fact, anything that come with an IF should not be agreed upon in the first place as it renders what comes before it meaningless.


Here is the thing:

Will ANYONE of you allow one of your team members to get away with this?

If not, why are you not holding yourself to the same standard?


And, what is the price you pay if you do this consistently…

  • Will you find it easy to get strategic alliance partners?
  • If you are running a project based business, would your customers trust you on your delivery commitments?
  • Will your loved ones and your friends say you take them for granted?


Which is why we have these few specific rules in our program:

  • Communications must be acknowledged immediately and at most no later than 24 hours after it has been sent.
  • We must be on time for everything and if we are not, we need to inform the other party immediately and no later than 24 hours.
  • We must be consistent in our words and actions.


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Register NOW for our FREE Business Optimization Clinic, valued at RM750. We guarantee you will get at least 1-2 ideas you can implement immediately, even if you do not engage our services.

Have a profitable week ahead!

The Familybiz Works Team

ps: Only 10 sessions every month for qualified business owners. Claim yours today!

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